

Did You Know Windows 10 Has a Hidden Currency Converter?

If you need a currency converter today, you have many options to choose from. Google Search, for example, can easily return currency conversions. Dedicated currency converter apps and websites are plentiful as well. But if you want to stay away from the web and mobile devices, here’s some good news: the Windows 10 Calculator has a “hidden” currency converter feature that may be right up your alley.

How to Convert Currency in Windows 10

The currency converter was introduced with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update build. Currency conversion is available for nearly all major currencies.
  1. Launch the Calculator app on Windows 10 (type “calculator” in the Cortana search bar).
  2. Click the hamburger button in the top left corner and search for Currency in the dropdown menu. There are other converters for time, power, and temperature too.

    Currency Conversion in Windows 10

  3. Choose the original and converted currencies using the dropdown arrows for both. Your local currency is selected by default.
  4. Click Update rates to adjust to the latest exchange rate. Enter the values and see the result.

    Converted currency
The built-in currency converter in Windows 10 can also work offline without an internet connection. That is a feature that makes it stand apart from Google Search or any web app. But don’t forget to update the rates when you are online because exchange rates fluctuate every day.

Cortana can also help you with currency conversions. But as a frequent traveler and a remote worker, I can say that currency conversion with the calculator is very useful. Especially, if you need to do the math in a hurry while stuck in an internet dead zone.
